Puppet Stage
- Biblioteca Municipal de Gondomar Camilo de Oliveira
- Gondomar, Porto
- Ei! MARIONETAS - Encontro Internacional de Marionetas - Gondomar
- 5 JUL 2024 . S > 19 JUL 2024 . S
- entrada gratuita
- LINK TO THIS AUDIOGUIDE : www.expo.marionetasmandragora.pt/audio_guias?o=2892
This is a journey of sensations, through the poetry of puppetry, a walk made up of figures who have lived through many stories and who invite visitors to feel.
Very small and very large puppets, rod puppets, glove puppets, table-top puppets, shadow puppets, an endless array of proposals, spaces of sound, tranquility and celebration, places of light and shadow, figures that come to life.
At every step, a new discovery that challenges those who pass through it. A place of metaphors that engages with heritage in a joint journey.
This journey features plays that have spanned the 22-year history of Teatro e Marionetas de Mandrágora.
The exhibition has an audio guide, as well as a piece dedicated to people with visual impairments. Access to the audio guide will be via cell phone or tablet, so please use your own headphones.
In 2024, Teatro e Marionetas de Mandrágora will be expanding the content it offers, taking into account ongoing accessibility demands. In addition to the audio guides developed for the exhibitions and the tactile display dedicated to blind audiences, this year we began a gradual process of adapting our graphic content. This adaptation aims to follow standards and use fonts that make reading easier for the elderly, children, and people with dyslexia, thus reinforcing inclusion and accessibility for a wider audience.

TEXT enVide neFelibata, Filipa Mesquita, Clara RibeiroREVISION enVide neFelibata, Filipa Mesquita
RECORDING enVide neFelibata
AUDIO EDITING enVide neFelibata
DIRECTION enVide neFelibata
CURATOR enVide neFelibata
SCENOGRAPHY, PUPPETS, PROPS AND COSTUMES Clara Ribeiro, enVide neFelibata, Filipa Mesquita, João Pinto, Manuel Matos Silva, Marta Fernandes da Silva, Migvel Tepes, Patrícia Costa
EXHIBITION EQUIPMENT enVide neFelibata, Migvel Tepes
DESIGN enVide neFelibata
SET UP enVide neFelibata, Filipa Mesquita, Hélder David Duarte
TAKE DOWN enVide neFelibata, Hélder David Duarte
PRODUCTION Teatro e Marionetas de Mandrágora
SUPPORT República Portuguesa - Cultura, DGARTES – Direção-Geral das Artes, Município de Espinho/Câmara Municipal de Espinho, Município de Gondomar
FOLHA DE SALA - 67.A2892.04.V1.03.07.024.PDF 2.4 MbQRCODE - 2892.SVG 14.6 Kb
audio files ⊿
65 1 65_en.m4a 00:01:01 Stories from the Old Village 71 2 71_en.m4a 00:01:22 Mr. Nib 74 A 74_en.m4a 00:00:50 Presentation 72 3 72_en.m4a 00:01:41 Complain (QUEIXA_TE) 103 4 103_en.m4a 00:02:04 The girl who painted birds 68 5 68_en.m4a 00:00:55 Cuca Macuca Wood Carriers 64 6 64_en.m4a 00:01:36 Benilde Bzzzoira 69 7 69_en.m4a 00:01:01 F.U.N.I.L. (FUNNEL) 70 8 70_en.m4a 00:00:40 The Mystery of Adam 73 X 73_en.m4a 00:02:05 Tactile Display 85 J 85_en.m4a 00:00:46 Ei! Games 102 E 102_en.m4a 00:00:45 Workshop Ei! 2024
alignment ⊿
[1] Stories from the Old Village [2] Mr. Nib [A] Presentation [3] Complain (QUEIXA_TE) [4] The girl who painted birds [5] Cuca Macuca Wood Carriers [6] Benilde Bzzzoira [7] F.U.N.I.L. (FUNNEL) [8] The Mystery of Adam [X] Tactile Display [J] Ei! Games [E] Workshop Ei! 2024